Sunday, 16 December 2007

Moving towards a Quantitative Understanding of Mind – Part 2

In the previous post - Part 1, we discovered that Matter is energy bounded by space and time, i.e. E(s,t), while Mind is the potential of this energy, i.e. P_E(s,t). This has consequences with respect to how matter interacts. We will discuss two of these consequences in this post. The third consequence is discussed in Part 3.

The first consequence becomes obvious from our knowledge of Quantum Physics in which Matter is known to behave both as a particle and as a wave. This observed duality of Matter can be encapsulated mathematically by the use of a probability density function, which enables us to localize matter by quantifying its probability to exist at a given location in a given moment of time. In other words, matter has the probability to exist everywhere, i.e. from -∞ to +∞. From this it is obvious that space associated with any given unit of Matter can be visualized as a composite of infinite vibrations oscillating at infinite number of possible frequencies. The presence of time therefore localizes space to a given moment and this is the reason why Matter can be quantified and measured.

The second consequence is that since the localization of Matter is only made possible by time, this must mean that time is intrinsic and thus must be unique – this statement is in perfect agreement with the tenets of our paradigm and is illustrated in the diagram below. The inverted cone represents the totality of Matter and Mind bounded by space and time. Outside the cone is the energy of creation. Within the cone is the energy of Matter, i.e. the potential of which describes Mind. The different slices of the cone represent the different levels of the energy at each of which time, t1, t2, t3, ... tn, is unique. Time is unique at each level due to the unique frequency of vibration of space at that level. Remember that space itself is not unique. It is the same throughout all energy levels. It only manifests differently at each level due to the uniqueness of the frequency of its vibration at that level. Thus, the total energy at each level is conserved. This statement has far reaching consequences. They will however be the subject of another posting.

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